Friday, June 27, 2008


The Winnebago is in the shop getting some fine tuning, and I'm taking all of next week off! Yay! The tank that holds the gunk that gets sucked up with the vacuum from the surgical suction and saliva ejectors is in need of repair. Actually, it's the hose that connects the vacuum to the holding tank. It came loose and "gunk" leaked all over that compartment. Eeewww! So it's in the shop getting the hose reconnected and a new release valve put on the tank so it's less disgusting to empty. Hopefully it will be a more pleasant experience. In my family I'm the one who has to clean up the dog barf and take care of sick kids. Apparently at the ODF I'm the one who has to empty the worst of the three waste tanks :)

On July 7th we're off to Tahlequah to serve the children at the Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Program. I REALLY need to learn Spanish.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bixby, OK

Saturday I left OKC at 6:30 a.m. with assistant Angela DeLong, on my way to Bixby, OK. My mistake was relying on the lady inside my GPS - the one who tells me to "take the motorway". Who says that anyway? So she leads me to NORTH Tulsa and everyone knows Bixby is south of Tulsa. This made me very late and I hate being late. It takes awhile to unbungee and set up, and patients were waiting. So were the awesome Dr. Lindsay Smith and Dr. Miranda Ruleford. And the equally amazing assistant, Jamie Wooten. We saw 11 patients and provided treatment of over $8,000! Dr. Smith had done all the screening in advance, so when the patients arrived we were ready to roll.

We grabbed lunch at the apprently world famous Scotts Old Fashion Burgers, right there on Dawes in Bixby. It was just a block down from where we had parked the dental van. REALLY good burgers, tots and curly fries. Not on my plan for healthy eating, but worth it.