Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Notes from the Road

From Andy Ekdahl…

Photo by Matt Guffey

Well it's my 1st time to the panhandle in about two years and Matt's first time ever! So far, so good and we have two more days of treatment scheduled. I thought I'd let you know what's been going on! We had a 14+ hour day yesterday, working in Cherokee all day and then driving out to Guymon. This morning we finally got to see the northwestern part of Oklahoma called "The Panhandle" since the sun was down when we came in last night. One can’t help but travel back in your mind to a time when buffalo roamed freely out here, travel was done by horse and wagon and bandits were more than legends from long ago.

Photo by Matt Guffey

We were amazed with how much snow was left over from their snow storm two weeks ago that dumped around 20" of snow! The odd thing was that it seemed to be random where the snow remained: one field was dry and the neighboring field still covered. The really exciting thing? Two camels outlined against the horizon as we drove out to Boise City! That's right, camels. Last I checked those things live in Africa, India and Asia but there they were sharing the field with the buffalo! As we got further and further out here we saw herds of pronghorn and even a lone...wolf? I don't know, it seemed too grey to be a coyote, but who knows, it's Oklahoma!

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