Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"Share the Care" Contest Nominee Spotlight: LCDA

The Latino Community Development Agency was created in 1989, the outcome of a United Way task force to address the needs of  the low-income, Latino population living in Oklahoma City. In 2005, it received its national accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitative Facilities, due to their program standards and achievements.

The LCDA's mission is: "Working to enhance the quality of life in the Latino Community through education, leadership, services and advocacy."

They provide health, nutrition, treatment and prevention programs. These include HIV/AIDs support groups and testing, mentoring and support for at-risk youth and many other opportunities for all ages and stages of the Latino population to be involved.

The Oklahoma Dental Foundation has had the pleasure of working with this program since 2008, providing many days of dental education, treatment and screenings throughout the years. We even celebrated treating the 10,000th patient in our program there last September!

Here's what the nominees had to say about the LCDA:

How do you think these services would benefit the organization?

"They would help a lot. We see many children who are uninsured."

Why do you think they should win this contest?

"Because of their approach to people who really need these services."

"For many years they have helped a minority population who could not receive services."

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