Friday, June 21, 2013

"Share the Care" Nominee Spotlight: Rogers County Adult Day Care

This adult day care center located in Claremore serves adults who have disabilities and the elderly. They have everyday obstacles in life they face, and access to dental care is one of them. They can be often overlooked by health care providers because their physical limitations. Many of these individuals cannot physically get to a dental office, so services must come to them. Not many programs like that exist in Oklahoma, unfortunately. One nominee who previously volunteered with the day care told us about her experience there and the needs of those individuals.

How do you think dental service would benefit this organization?

"The dental services that MobileSmiles Oklahoma provides would benefit the clients greatly. I am nominating this program because while attending the University of Oklahoma Dental Hygiene program, I was able to construct a community health program and chose to work with RCDAC because it was an often overlooked population. While implementing my project and conducting oral screenings, more than half of the clients had suspicious areas of decay and root tips remaining. The MobileSmiles "Share the Care" contest would further help the clients of RCADC, because my classmate and I were limited on what we could provide these individuals."

Why do you think they should win this contest?

"I think the clients at RCADC should win this because their overall oral health would improve significantly. At RCADC, the aides do a great job with the care they provide their clients, however, many of the clients' oral health is lacking. This is an opportunity they might not be able to receive anywhere else."

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